Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Still now work is majorly piling up! Hopefully we'll be getting a set tomorrow. Just don't what what way to go----we can either go with a nicer, cheaper, older set OR a newer set, but more money? Probably the cheaper one for now. I really don't want anything too nice with our water, over time it just ruins them. Anyhow!! It's amazing how much more time I can spend with the kids without having laundry to do!!
Babysitting this week is going well. The kids have been playing very well. Today was beautiful outside, so we spent time outdoors.
If anyone is looking for a nice camper, we have one out in our front yard. A Jayco, nice condition for only 3,500.00. For the money, it's in great shape. Just trying to be a sales-lady!
Spencer is learning how to throw his little fits! He stands in place and stomps his feet. Not good. Kinda little to already get spanking's! He loves it outside though. His little cheeks get really red fast, but sunblock helps. We will have to get the little pool out soon....he'll love that. Savannah, too.
Savannah was sick this morning. They've both had a touch of something. But hers turned into a little stomach bug. She threw up this morning. She's doing better though!
Church went well tonight. Almost all of our teens testified to getting spiritual help at camp. That's always encouraging. We are proud of them. One of these times I will post pictures of them!
Well, gotta go for tonight. Pretty tired. You'all have a great rest of the week. Hopefully I'll be posting a washer/dryer soon!!hee
Oh, by the way I can't wait to see Hannah's new baby on her blog!! She's in the hospital today!! Congratulations Hannah and Andy!!

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